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Instructions: Download the zipped file “India_Simulation_Files.zip”
and unzip. Make sure to have
IRIS version IRIS_Tbx_20151014 or newer somewhere accessible.
(download here) Start Matlab 2015b (this is where it has been tested on, any recent version should run it though). Addpath IRIS to Matlab and run "irisstartup":
addpath D:\apps\IRIS\IRIS_Tbx_20151014;
Change the working folder in Matlab where the files have been unzipped.
To run the code, execute ‘read_model.m’
first, and then ‘create_your_own.m’ in Matlab. The code allows to specify a name for the run, say “newBasecase”. The results
will then be saved as “newBasecase.pdf” and in a newly-created folder called “newBasecase”.
Documentation on read_model.m file (click here to download).
The DYNARE code for dollarization example (click here to download).
Instructions: Download the zipped file “Dollarization.zip”
and unzip. You will get a folder called “Dollarization”. Make sure to have Dynare version 20160918 (unstable) or newer somewhere accessible. (download here) Start
Matlab 2015b (this is where it has been tested on, any recent version should run it though). Change the working folder to “Dollarization” folder. Open “Main.m”
file. Line three has the Dynare reference as: addpath D:\apps\Dynare\20160918\matlab Change this address to where Dynare is installed. Run “Main.m” file in Matlab.